gas chromatography (GC): suitable
solid phase extraction (SPE): suitable
sample preparation: SPE (Solid Phase Extraction)
sample/matrix: 1 g of commercially purchased cookies was ground and subjected to acid digestion and alkali hydrolysis followed by methylation as described in AOCS Official Method Ce 1k-09
SPE tube/cartridge: Discovery Ag-Ion SPE tubes, 750 mg/6 mL (54225-U)
condition: 4 mL of acetone; allow solvent to gravity drip completely through tube; discard eluant; 4 mL of hexane; allow solvent to gravity drip completely through tube; discard eluant
sample addition: 1 mL of extract; discard any eluant that drips through tube
elution: (Fraction 1) 6 mL of hexane:acetone (96:4); collect eluant in a fresh container with slight vacuum; ((Fraction 2) 4 mL of hexane: acetone (90:10); collect eluant in a fresh container with slight vacuum;(Fraction 3) 4 mL of 100% acetone; collect eluant in a fresh container with slight vacuum)
eluate post-treatment: evaporate each fraction at room temperature using nitrogen; reconstitute each fraction to 1 mL of hexane
column: SP-2560, 100 m x 0.25 mm I.D., 0.20 μm (24056)
oven: 180 °C
inj. temp.: 250 °C
detector: FID, 250 °C
carrier gas: hydrogen, 1 mL/min
injection: 1 μL, 10:1 split
liner: 4 mm I.D., split type, single taper wool packed FocusLiner™ design
application for SPE
food and beverages