Shigemi NMR microtubes offer high precision quality in NMR spectroscopy.
The NMR microtubes are made out of a special type of hard glass wtih excellent chemical durability, and are magnetic susceptibility matched to each of the solvents they are identified with.
The Advanced NMR microtube consists of outer tube and insert and has increased sensitivity with these improved features:
The NMR microtubes are made out of a special type of hard glass wtih excellent chemical durability, and are magnetic susceptibility matched to each of the solvents they are identified with.
The Advanced NMR microtube consists of outer tube and insert and has increased sensitivity with these improved features:
- Thinner glass wall in the sample area than symmetrical microtube (0.20 mm vs 0.40 mm), increasing the sample capacity held in the RF region by a factor of 1.2
- 16% better signal to noise ratio than symmetric tubes
- Despite the increased sample volume, artifacts caused by the RF inhomogeneity are very limited and increased sensitivity is expected
- Suitable for 900 MHz NMR instruments
- 5 mm O.D. tubes: insert: 190.0 L × 4.1 mm O.D.; outer sample tube: 180.0 × 4.965 mm
- 8 mm O.D. tubes: insert: 200.0 L × 6.9 mm O.D.; outer sample tube: 190.0 × 8.0 mm