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An illustration of three diverse individuals collaborating in a modern workspace. One person, a woman with long blonde hair, is holding a tablet and speaking animatedly. Another woman with blue hair is pointing at a laptop, while a man sits at a desk, looking at a computer screen displaying images.

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Oligos, qPCR probes & Peptides
Oligos, qPCR probes & Peptides

Custom Products and Services, including DNA oligos, RNA, siRNA, and Custom Peptides.

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An illustration of a scientist wearing a white lab coat, holding a test tube in one hand and a flask in the other. Behind the scientist is a colorful background featuring laboratory equipment and molecules.
New & Featured Products

Innovative products to elevate your research.

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A line drawing illustration of various storage containers, including several cylindrical tanks of different sizes arranged around a larger tank on a stand.
ReCycler™ Solvent Systems

Solvents and reagents in returnable containers delivered directly to you, reducing packaging waste and eliminating hazardous disposal costs.

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MilliporeSigma offers consultative services to help customers optimize their workflows and overcome complex challenges in areas of life science research, biomanufacturing, and analytical testing.


Preparation, Separation, Filtration & Monitoring Products

Sigma-Aldrich® Lab & Production Materials

Lab & Production Materials


Pharma & Biopharma Raw Material Solutions

Supelco® Analytical Products

Analytical Products


Lab Water Solutions 


Pharma & Biopharma Manufacturing & Testing Services

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