Culture media for the microbiological testing of food, feed, or water must be prepared with pure water that complies with specifications described by the ISO 11133:2014 standard. Adhering to these water quality criteria can improve test accuracy and reproducibility, and a modern means of delivery can support greater lab efficiency.
Join us to better understand:
- ISO 11133 background and requirements for water used for preparation and performance testing of culture media
- The impact of water contaminants on culture media
- The comparative suitability of two different water sources on the performance testing of culture media
- How your lab’s water source can impact lab productivity, accuracy, and traceability

Barbara Gerten
Senior Scientist Traditional Microbiology
Barbara has over 30 years of industrial microbiology experience and is currently working in Regulatory Marketing at {hcmpany}. She is an active member in several national and international bodies addressing microbiological topics in ISO, CEN and IFU, including the ISO Working Groups ‘Sulfite reducing clostridia and C. perfringens’, ‘Method validation’ and ‘Culture media’.

Estelle Riche, Ph.D.
Lab Water Solutions
Global Application Specialist
Dr. Estelle Riche holds an engineering degree in chemistry from ESCOM (France) and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). Prior to joining Millipore SAS twelve years ago, she was an assistant professor in the School of Dentistry at UNC for four years. She is currently a Global Application Specialist for Lab Water Solutions, based in Guyancourt, France. Her responsibilities include understanding the potential impact of water contaminants on the results of analytical experiments and providing support to scientists regarding the optimal use of purified water in their experiments.
Water purification
- Water for cell and molecular biology
Session 1:presented September 8, 2021
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