
Western Blotting





随着对使用有限样品同时分析更多蛋白的需求不断提升,现有研究开始倾向于提升印迹技术的灵敏度和速度。例如,双重印迹可消除由非特异性相互作用引起的假阳性,Far-Western blotting可实现特异性蛋白间相互作用的检测,Southwestern blotting可用于鉴定与特异性DNA序列相互作用的蛋白,多次剥离印迹可提高通量并将印迹间的变异性降至最低。同时,其他新技术也在不断开发,以期减少产生信号所需的蛋白量并提高免疫印迹的定量能力。


  • Technical Support in Antibody Basics includes basic structure, classes and normal immunoglobulin ranges.
  • We offer a broad range of alkaline phosphatase enzymes and substrates that are optimized for conjugation to antibodies and other proteins for your specific application needs.
  • Loading controls in western blotting application.
  • Gelatin is a heterogeneous mixture of water-soluble proteins extracted by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments, bones, etc. in the water.
  • The possible causes and potential remedies for poor or inconsistent transfer of proteins from a gel to the Western blot membrane. Optimal transfer conditions may vary depending on the molecular weight of the protein of interest.
  • 查看完整内容 (28)



Cell lysis of proteins for Western blotting.


When working with cells or tissues, samples must be disrupted to isolate the proteins prior to analysis. Lysis and extraction buffers use detergents to break down cell walls and membranes to release the proteins. The optimal buffer should be chosen based on the sample type and sub-cellular localization of the target protein.

Gel electrophoresis chamber for running protein gels.

Protein gel electrophoresis is used to separate and resolve proteins prior to blotting. The prepared protein mixture is run on a polyacrylamide gel to sort proteins by molecular weight and charge.

Transfer of proteins to PVDF membrane for detection using Western blotting techniques.

The proteins separated on the gel by electrophoresis are immobilized by transfer onto a PVDF or nitrocellulose membrane. The transfer uses electric current to pull proteins from the gel onto the membrane (electroblotting).

Western blotting Detection of target protein using primary and HRP-conjugated secondary antibody with substrate.

Target protein is detected using a primary antibody in combination with an HRP- or AP-conjugated secondary antibody and an appropriate chemiluminescent or colorimetric substrate, or by using fluorescently-labeled primary or secondary antibody.


