- Performance evaluation of Samsung LABGEO(HC10) Hematology Analyzer.
Performance evaluation of Samsung LABGEO(HC10) Hematology Analyzer.
The Samsung LABGEO(HC10) Hematology Analyzer (LABGEO(HC10)) is a recently developed automated hematology analyzer that uses impedance technologies. The analyzer provides 18 parameters including 3-part differential at a maximum rate of 80 samples per hour. To evaluate the performance of the LABGEO(HC10). We evaluated precision, linearity, carryover, and relationship for complete blood cell count parameters between the LABGEO(HC10) and the LH780 (Beckman Coulter Inc) in a university hospital in Korea according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. Sample stability and differences due to the anticoagulant used (KโEDTA versus KโEDTA) were also evaluated. The LABGEO(HC10) showed linearity over a wide range and minimal carryover (<1%) for white blood cell, hemoglobin, red blood cell, and platelet parameters. Correlation between the LABGEO(HC10) and the LH780 was good for all complete blood cell count parameters (R > 0.92) except for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. The bias estimated was acceptable for all parameters investigated except for monocyte count. Most parameters were stable until 24 hours both at room temperature and at 4ยฐC. The difference by anticoagulant type was statistically insignificant for all parameters except for a few red cell parameters. The accurate results achievable and simplicity of operation make the unit recommendable for small to medium-sized laboratories.