
PCR是分子生物学的核心技术,功能强大。可在体外高效快速地对不同来源的特定DNA或RNA序列进行酶扩增。标准的PCR反应由目标DNA、一组目标DNA序列旁侧的合成寡核苷酸引物、一种热稳定DNA聚合酶(通常是Taq聚合酶)以及核苷酸组成。在热循环仪中,每个扩增循环分三个阶段:首先,双链DNA(dsDNA)变性成为两个单链DNA;其次,引物退火与目标DNA序列结合;最后, DNA聚合酶从引物开始延伸DNA进而产生一条由一条新链和一条母链组成的新双链DNA。而循环中新产生的每条DNA链都会成为下一个循环中的模版,因此只需20个循环DNA就可以增加100万倍。
逆转录酶 PCR (RT-PCR)
终点PCR通常在反应完成后用于探测目标是否存在及其相对丰度。由于附加了具备“校正”功能的元素,标准PCR能合成序列的长度最高为5000个碱基对。而兼具长度及准确度 (LA)的PCR结合第二种具有3’ 5’ 外切酶功能的热稳定聚合酶可修复末端核苷酸错参,所以不仅能够扩增长达40000个碱基对的DNA目标链,还极大地提高了其准确性。
- This page shows PCR and RT-PCR amplification troubleshooting.
- KOD One™ PCR Master Mix overview for ultra-fast PCR with high specificity, fidelity, and yield
- A PCR master mix is a batch of PCR or RT-PCR reagents that can be divided among many PCR reaction tubes. It usually includes DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2 and buffer. Make your own master mix or choose a commercial one.
- Developing a PCR or RT-PCR/RT-qPCR troubleshooting protocol so that data are reliable is essential. Potential sources of RT-PCR or PCR error and problems include operator error, the PCR master mix, and oligo design. This PCR troubleshooting guide outlines and details fixes for your RT-PCR assay.
- The polymerase chain reaction is one of the most widely used techniques in molecular biology. The PCR process consists of three main steps, Denaturation, Annealing & Extension
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- Learn standard PCR protocol steps and review reagent lists or cycling parameters. This method for routine PCR amplification of DNA uses standard Taq DNA polymerase.
- Annealing is the process of heating and cooling two single-stranded oligonucleotides with complementary sequences.
- Learn about methods for calculating oligonucleotide melting temperature (Tm).
- The entire PCR workflow is vulnerable to factors which introduce variability. Many of the variable components are unavoidable, such as the source of the sample or the requirement for a reverse transcription step. Assay design is also highly variable and can make the difference between PCR success and failure and also contributes to the reproducibility and sensitivity of an assay.
- The exrract-N-Amp kit protocol provides a rapid DNA extraction method that leads to a PCR-ready sample in 15 minutes. Optimized PCR ReadyMix yields successful and clean amplification. RED loading dye allows for sample tracking.
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