
- 一般来说,琼脂糖凝胶常用于DNA和RNA的电泳实验中,结合标准的电泳技术,可以分离50到50000碱基对的DNA片段。
- 还有一种分离范围较小的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶,可分离小于500个碱基对的DNA片段,但分辨率高。
- 两种凝胶都可用于凝胶阻滞分析(EMSA)实验,来表征蛋白和核酸的相互作用。
- An ultrafiltration cartridge can be placed at the outlet of a water purification system to deliver nuclease-free ultrapure water.
- We offers a variety of markers that aid size determination of samples separated by agarose and/or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These products include markers for DNA, PCR fragments and RNA and can be concurrently run with the samples. All the markers stain well with common nucleic acid stains.
- Choose the appropriate markers and ladders for nucleic acid size determination of samples separated by electrophoresis. Determine size of DNA, RNA and PCR-generated fragments using agarose or polyacrylamide gels.
- Sigma-Aldrich offers a variety of markers for nucleic acid size determination of sample separated by various gel electrophoresis methods.
- DNA / Protein Electrophoresis and Troubleshooting Tables
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- An introduction to Nucleric Acid electrophoresis and standard protocols for Agarose gel electrophoresis for DNA, RNA & polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for DNA.
- Precast Agarose Gels for RNA Electrophoresis are suitable for separating RNA sizes from 0.25 to 10 kb.
- The easiest way to use the Blocking Reagent is with the Roche DIG Wash and Block Buffer Set, a ready-to-use set of stock solutions.
- These gels are suitable for separating nucleic acids, giving sharp DNA bands and low background fluorescence.
- The cloning process requires the ligation of linear DNA into a cloning vector. This ability to join fragments of DNA through recombinant technology is essential for many basic experiments in biotechnology.
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