Corning®Axygen® Gel Documentation System is easy to set up and has an easy interface for contrast adjusting, annotation, and image capture that allows for the simple saving and opening of images for more thorough analysis without manipulating the camera manually.
Corning® Axygen® Gel Documentation System has been used in the semi-quantitative detection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) DNA.
- Auto exposure tool determines the ideal exposure time with just one click and the slider tool can be used manually to view an updated live image and adjust the exposure time
- Only the selected region is used to calculate the auto exposure which is beneficial for gels with strong or weak bands
- UV 302, UV 365, epi white, or epi blue light sources, as well as an optional trans white light illumination tray, are all selectable through the darkroom tab
- An area of interest can be chosen using the select ROI tool
- To view the gel with the lights on, the band excision tool temporarily disables the system′s safety measures
- Crop, rotate, resize, contrast, saturation, and zoom are all imaging tools and text and drawing tools are included in annotation tools
- For further analysis, it is possible to save, print, email, or export finished images
- UV light is automatically turned off by a door sensor to prevent accidental exposure
- Band cutting on the UV transilluminator is possible with safety override, and it turns off automatically after five minutes
- Intel Pentium® processor, 1.4 GHz processor speed, 2GB RAM, 16GB free hard disk space, and 2 USB ports are minimum hardware requirements
- Epi White light sources with dual-wavelength transillumination at 302 nm are used
- Compatible with Microsoft® Windows® 7 or higher operating system
- When working with UV light, always wear protective eyewear
Axygen is a registered trademark of Corning, Inc.
Corning is a registered trademark of Corning, Inc.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corp.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation