Histopaque® Density Gradient Media Troubleshooting Guide
Mark Frei
The following recommendations for troubleshooting the use of Histopaque and ACCUSPIN™ in cell separation techniques have been compiled by our Technical Support scientists based on observations and experience from resolving customer problems. This guide addresses the most common sources of error observed when using Histopaque but is not meant to be a comprehensive list.
Typical problems observed when using Histopaque/ACCUSPIN
Blood or Cell Samples Troubleshooting Tips
Histopaque/ACCUSPIN Troubleshooting Tips
Technique Troubleshooting Tips
Typical problems observed when using Histopaque/ACCUSPIN
- Difficulty in separating mononuclear or polymorphonuclear cells from human blood
- Difficulty in separating mononuclear or polymorphonuclear cells from rat or mouse blood
- Low recovery
- Red blood cell, platelet, or neutrophil contamination in separated cells