
Early development of the oligodendrocyte in the embryonic chick metencephalon.

Journal of neuroscience research (1997-05-01)
K Ono, H Fujisawa, S Hirano, M Norita, T Tsumori, Y Yasui

It has been demonstrated that the spinal cord oligodendrocytes in the vertebrates arise in the ventral ventricular zone adjacent to the floor plate in their early development. Because of the similarities of basic structures in the spinal cord and metencephalon, it is probable that the mode of early oligodendrocyte development in the metencephalon is the same as that in the spinal cord. We examined this possibility in chick embryos, using monoclonal antibodies O1 and O4, markers for oligodendrocyte lineage. An O4-positive (O4+) cell focus was observed in the medial ventricular zone of E5 chick ventral metencephalon (the earliest stage examined), adjacent to the floor plate. At E6, O4+ cells were dispersed from the medial to the lateral pons and, at E7, to the cerebellar anlagen. O4+ cells in the E6 brainstem and in the E7 cerebellum were unipolar in shape, whereas one day later, some of the labeled cells were multipolar with a few thin processes. O1+ oligodendrocytes first appeared at E8 in the ventromedial part of the pons and were distributed throughout the pons at E10 and in the cerebellum at E12. Explants from three subdivisions of the metencephalon (medial and lateral pons, and cerebellum) from E5 to E8 chick embryos were separately cultured to confirm the potential for generation of oligodendrocyte lineage. O4+ cells appeared in the culture of the E5 medial pons (the earliest stage examined), in the E6 lateral pons, and in the E7 cerebellum. In addition, E7 was the youngest stage from which cerebellar explants were able to generate O1+ oligodendrocytes. Our results clearly demonstrated the in vivo morphology of oligodendrocyte precursors in the metencephalon and their developmental appearance in a ventral-to-dorsal manner. From the bipolar morphology of O4+ cells and the spacio-temporal continuity of the dispersion, it is inferred that the initial dispersion of O4+ cells may involve oligodendrocyte migration from the focus of the medial pons to the lateral and dorsal parts of the metencephalon.