  • No Benefit of Ingestion of a Ketone Monoester Supplement on 10-km Running Performance.

No Benefit of Ingestion of a Ketone Monoester Supplement on 10-km Running Performance.

Medicine and science in sports and exercise (2019-11-16)
Mark Evans, Fionn T McSwiney, Aidan J Brady, Brendan Egan

Preexercise ingestion of exogenous ketones alters the metabolic response to exercise, but effects on exercise performance have been equivocal. On two occasions in a double-blind, randomized crossover design, eight endurance-trained runners performed 1 h of submaximal exercise at approximately 65% V˙O2max immediately followed by a 10-km self-paced time trial (TT) on a motorized treadmill. An 8% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution was consumed before and during exercise, either alone (CHO + PLA), or with 573 mg·kg of a ketone monoester supplement (CHO + KME). Expired air, HR, and RPE were monitored during submaximal exercise. Serial venous blood samples were assayed for plasma glucose, lactate, and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. CHO + KME produced plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations of approximately 1.0 to 1.3 mM during exercise (P < 0.001), but plasma glucose and lactate concentrations were similar during exercise in both trials. V˙O2, running economy, respiratory exchange ratio, HR, and RPE were also similar between trials. Performance in the 10-km TT was not different (P = 0.483) between CHO + KME (mean, 2402 s; 95% confidence interval, 2204-2600 s) and CHO + PLA (mean, 2422 s; 95% confidence interval, 2217-2628 s). Cognitive performance, measured by reaction time and a multitasking test, did not differ between trials. Compared with carbohydrate alone, coingestion of KME by endurance-trained athletes elevated plasma β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations, but did not improve 10-km running TT or cognitive performance.