Gliotoxin is an important virulence factor of Aspergillus fumigatus. Although GliA putatively belongs to the major facilitator superfamily in the gliotoxin biosynthesis cluster, its roles remain unclear. To determine the function of GliA, we disrupted gliA in A. fumigatus. gliA disruption increased the susceptibility of A. fumigatus to gliotoxin. The gliT and gliA double-disrupted mutant had even higher susceptibility to gliotoxin than each individual disruptant. The extracellular release of gliotoxin was greatly decreased in the gliA disruptant. Mice infected with the gliA disruptant of A. fumigatus showed higher survival rates than those infected with the parent strain. These results strongly indicate that GliA, in addition to GliT, plays a significant role in the tolerance to gliotoxin and protection from extracellular gliotoxin in A. fumigatus by exporting the toxin. This also allows the fungus to evade the harmful effect of its own gliotoxin production. Moreover, GliA contributes to the virulence of A. fumigatus through gliotoxin secretion.