- Discover the best purification option for your oligo, based on the intended application.
- An overview of methods for quantifying DNA and RNA, how to measure DNA and RNA concentration and yield, and how to assess purity of nucleic acid samples.
- Fit-for-use products offer the quality, consistency & documentation necessary for every step of your IVD development and manufacturing process.
- This page shows possible causes and solutions for problems that may occur during plasmid DNA preparation.
- Impact of Purification Method on Accuracy of DNA Quantitation and Downstream Enzymatic Processes. Evaluation of the purity of genomic DNA by UV spectrophotometry, gel electrophoresis, and downstream qPCR using GenElute™-E DNA purification kits.
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- Handing and stability techniques to reduce variation and ensure trouble-free experiments.
- Plasmids purified from genomic DNA, proteins, ribosomes, and the bacterial cell wall are used in molecular biology research. Various methods have been developed for plasmid DNA purification.
- GenomePlex® Whole Genome Amplification is the method of extracting DNA from the animal sample. GenomePlex® products have been used to amplify genomic DNA from chicken, porcine, bovine, fish, and shrimp source.
- This study examined the yield and quality of DNA from samples applied to Whatman FTA cards, using five common methods of DNA extraction.
- 0.1 mU RNase, DNase-free degrades 1 μg RNA in 30 min at + 37 °C in a reaction volume of 50 μL PCR grade water. The protein concentration of RNase, DNase-free is 0.5 μg/μL.
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