如何分析 qPCR 数据
一般通过插入双链DNA碱基中的染色剂(如SYBR ® GREEN、溴化乙錠)或能结合到DNA特定序列上的探针(如分子灯塔、TaqMan®探针)对报告分子的荧光强度进行检测并定量。
qPCR 数据的相对量化
qPCR 数据的绝对量化
- After a traditional PCR has been completed, the PCR/qPCR data analysis is conducted by resolution through an agarose gel or, more recently, through a capillary.
- Real-time polymerase chain reaction allows researchers to estimate the quantity of starting material in a sample. It has a much wider dynamic range of analysis than conventional PCR
- PCR assay guide navigates you through primer validation and other assay optimization factors to ensure high sensitivity and specificity for optimum DNA/ RNA quantification.
- The entire PCR workflow is vulnerable to factors which introduce variability. Many of the variable components are unavoidable, such as the source of the sample or the requirement for a reverse transcription step. Assay design is also highly variable and can make the difference between PCR success and failure and also contributes to the reproducibility and sensitivity of an assay.
- Dual-Labeled Probes are the most common probe type for qPCR and are often referred to as hydrolysis probes.
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- Our SYBR Green qPCR Protocol is a method designed to detect accurate quantification of gene expression and RT-PCR reactions
- Chromatin Immunoprecipitation quantitative real-time PCR (ChIP-qPCR) is commonly used in studies that focus on specific genes and potential regulatory regions across differing experimental conditions and data analysis. qPCR enables DNA analysis in real time by analyzing fluorescent signal intensities that are proportional to the amount of amplicon.
- Primer Concentration Optimization Protocol is an approach to create a matrix of reactions. This is used to test a range of concentrations for each primer against different concentrations of the partner primer.
- Optimization of qPCR conditions is important for the development of a robust assay. The two main approaches are optimization of primer concentration and/or annealing temperatures.
- Multiplex qPCR employing probe-based chemistries is a demanding application that often requires extensive optimization and validation.
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