
CRISPR – 准确、高效的基因编辑

Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics可提供行业领先的CRISPR-Cas9蛋白选择,以满足您的个性化研究需求。可选择多种Cas9突变体(野生型、特异性增强型、nickase切口酶型、GFP融合型、催化失活型)及多种形式(如质粒、慢病毒、冻干蛋白粉)。
担心CRISPR不适合您的实验项目?连线咨询Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics专家。
CRISPRi和CRISPRa – 强大的基因抑制和激活
CRISPRi(CRISPR干扰)和CRISPRa(CRISPR激活)可在不改变潜在的DNA序列的情况下分别提供高效的基因沉默和激活。当用于大规模 LOF(功能丧失)和 GOF(功能获得)筛选中时,研究人员能够识别出其他方法经常遗漏的独特但功能相关的基因通路。
Sigma-Aldrich® Advanced Genomics提供了一整套用于基因敲减和过表达实验的优化CRISPRi和CRISPRa文库目前可提供CRISPRi和SAM CRISPRa混合的慢病毒文库,也可根据您的特定需求提供定制产品。
担心CRISPR不适合您的实验项目?连线咨询Sigma-Aldrich®Advanced Genomics专家。
- Bacterial transformation is a process of horizontal gene transfer by which some bacteria take up foreign genetic material (naked DNA) from the environment. Bacteria that can take up free, extracellular genetic material are known as competent cells.
- Get tips for handling lentiviruses, optimizing experiment setup, titering lentivirus particles, and selecting helpful products for transduction.
- Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) are a class of engineered DNA-binding proteins that facilitate targeted editing of the genome by creating double-strand breaks in DNA at user-specified locations.
- Compare and contrast the features of a wide variety of guide RNA (gRNA) and Cas9 products for in vitro and in vivo CRISPR experiments.
- Our lentiviral vector systems are developed with enhanced safety features. Numerous precautions are in place in the design of our lentiviruses to prevent replication. Good handling practices are a must.
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- Learn about CRISPR Cas9, what it is and how it works. CRISPR is a new, affordable genome editing tool enabling access to genome editing for all.
- Detailed procedure for how to perform a lentiviral transduction of MISSION shRNA lentiviral particles to achieve a stable long term silencing and phenotypic change.
- Combine guaranteed sgRNAs with our comprehensive range of CRISPR products and tools, including Cas9 and delivery reagents, for efficient genome modification with higher specificity.
- Guaranteed PURedit™ CRISPR synthetic gRNAs and Cas9 protein offer industry-leading on-site cutting and specificity
- Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), were introduced by Sigma-Aldrich less than 8 years ago, but in that time the technology of targeted genome editing has advanced rapidly. Most recently, the discovery of the CRISPR/Cas9 pathway has accelerated interest in this field, opening up new possibilities for research and development.
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