BTEX 校正套装(热解吸)设计用于随后进行热解吸的城市环境中 BTEX 的分析。该套装可用于常规校正和质量控制。该套装包含十二种 RAD145 小柱吸附剂。其中三种为空白样,而分成三个浓度组的另九种预加入 BTEX 以模拟 7 天的暴露量(100,080 分钟)。浓度标于所列表中给出。所示的数值作为参考。每批的实际浓度经过认证。通过在氮气流下注入甲醇中的气化 BTEX 标准样对小柱加标 BTEX。在色谱分析时可看到甲醇峰。该小柱在 4°C 下至少可稳定储存四个月。
radiello is a trademark of Institi Clinici Scientifici Maugeri
Performances of the [TM="Radiello"] diffusive sampler for BTEX measurements: Influence of environmental conditions and determination of modelled sampling rates
Atmospheric Environment, 39 (14), 2535-2544 (2005)
A new laboratory test chamber for the determination of diffusive sampler uptake rates
Atmospheric Environment, 39 (22), 4049-4056 (2005)
Ambient Volatile Organic Compound Monitoring by Diffusive Sampling. Compatibility of High Uptake Rate Samplers With Thermal Desorption
Analyst, 122, 1481-1484 (1997)
The Science of the total environment, 481, 35-46 (2014-02-28)
Analysis of literature data published in the last few years leads to the conclusion that in the process of assessment of emission flux of organic compounds emitted from different types of equipment and finishing materials, new types of devices, among
Assessment of uncertainty of benzene measurements by Radiello diffusive sampler
Atmospheric Environment, 42 (10), 2555-2568 (2008)
radiello® Diffusive Air Sampling Application - Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Thermally Desorbed