pkg of 20 labels blank adhesive labels (168 pictograms and 40 signal words)
瓶寬度 × 長度
80 mm × 100 mm
room temp
With the implementation of the CLP/EU-GHS (Global Harmonized System) directive in January 2009, the procedures for the classification, labeling, and packaging of hazardous chemicals have been redefined. Preparing mixtures, such as e.g. mobile phases for HPLC, is a routine part of the work in a lab. All chemical containers should be properly labeled in order to minimize the risk of confusing chemicals. This enables first responders to initiate the correct measures in the event of an accident.
with 20 blank adhesive labels 80 x 110 mm, 168 adhesive hazard pictograms, 40 adhesive signal words, package insert with H- and P-statements