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Environmental Monitoring in Isolators

 IsoBag™ optimize your environmental monitoring workflow

IsoBag™ optimize your environmental monitoring workflow

Mount readily gamma-irradiated contact or settle plates directly to your isolator without prior decontamination

IsoBag™ ease the environmental monitoring workflow in aseptic production isolators by containing readily gamma-irradiated contact or settle plates. These unique transportation and packaging bags are simply mounted to the alpha port of the isolator. This keeps the plates available for use at any time – and conveniently stored, taking up none of the valuable space within the isolator.

There is no need for decontamination cycles before introducing settle or contact plates, freeing up time for your actual production processes and thus saving costs.

Use of ICR plates in production isolators – without IsoBag™

Limited time between two decontamination cycles due to required space for media storage results in short campaign duration

Use of ICR plates in production isolators – with IsoBag™

Extended operation time between 2 decontamination cycles using IsoBag™

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