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HomePhotometry & ReflectometryAnalytical Method: Aluminium (Total) in Effluents

Analytical Method: Aluminium (Total) in Effluents

Instruments and Reagents:

Cat.No. 173016 Spectroquant® VIS Spectrophotometer Prove 100 or
Cat.No. 173017 Spectroquant® UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Prove 300 or
Cat.No. 173018 Spectroquant® UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Prove 600 or
Cat.No. 109748 Spectroquant® Photometer NOVA 30 or
Cat.No. 109751 Spectroquant® Photometer NOVA 60 or
Cat.No. 173632 Spectroquant® Colorimeter Move 100
Cat.No. 114946 Rectangular cells 10 mm and/or
Cat.No. 114947 Rectangular cells 20 mm and/or
Cat.No. 114944 Rectangular cells 50 mm
Cat.No. 100594 Spectroquant® Aluminium Cell Test
Cat.No. 114825 Spectroquant® Aluminium Test
Cat.No. 100317 Hydrochloric acid 37 % for analysis
Cat.No. 109137 Sodium hydroxide solution 1 mol/l
Cat.No. 109535 Universal Indicator strips pH 0 - 14
Cat.No. 116754 Water for analysis


In a glass beaker place 25 ml of the sample with 5 ml of hydrochloric acid 37% and 2.5 ml of nitric acid 65%, mix, and boil for 1 hour. Cover the beaker with a clock - glass during the operation. Dissolve the residue in water for analysis and transfer to a 25-ml volumetric flask. Before filling up with water for analysis, check the pH by using Universal Indicator strips pH 0 - 14. The optimum pH range is 3 - 10, if necessary, adjust with sodium hydroxide 1 mol/l. Then fill up to the mark and mix well.


Determine with the above mentioned test kits.


Aluminium (total) content in mg/l Al = analysis value in mg/l Al

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