- EPR and optical studies of vanadium doped potassium dihydrogen citrate (C6H7KO7) single crystal.
EPR and optical studies of vanadium doped potassium dihydrogen citrate (C6H7KO7) single crystal.
An EPR and optical studies of VO2+ doped potassium dihydrogen citrate (PDHC) single crystals have been carried out at room temperature. It crystallizes in triclinic symmetry with the unit cell dimensions: a=11.343Å, b=13.078Å, c=6.272Å, α=89.79°, β=94.36°, γ=104.2°. The angular variation of EPR spectra have shown that two different VO2+ complexes are located in different chemical environments and each environment contains one magnetically VO2+ site occupying substitutional position in the lattice and show very high angular dependence.