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Optimization of the reduction of 74As(V) to 74As(III) and of the labelling of dithiol dihydrolipoic acid.

Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine (2019-04-29)
Zita Oláh, Andreas T J Vogg, Tibor Kremmer, Zoltán Szűcs, Zoltán Varga, Rita Dóczi

The radiochemical separation of n.c.a. arsenic on its own or for radio-labelling purposes usually involves the issue of reducing arsenic(V). Numerous approaches for reducing pentavalent arsenic have been examined. A novel HPLC method has also been presented for accessing the efficiency of the reduction in terms of *As(III)/*As(V). Labelling with trivalent radioarsenic seems to be a promising research field to access new radiopharmaceuticals, for example, using arsenic as a surrogate for phosphorus. Moreover, as a model system, the labelling reaction of *As(III) with dihydrolipoic acid has been systematically optimized.