- Spinbar®磁力搅拌棒与磁搅拌盘一起使用,实现化学溶液均匀、一致且彻底地混合。
- Alnico 磁体采用耐用且惰性的FDA级聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)低摩擦涂层封装。
- 多面型搅拌棒的表面积更大且湍流更强,有助于更有力、更充分的混合。
- 高压蒸汽灭菌更安全。
防漏、无缝、抛光,并包含永久性 Alnico V 磁铁。该蛋形棒专门设计用于圆底容器。
High quality PTFE encapsulated magnetic stirring bars ensure efficient mixing with consistent results.
- Multi-faceted polygon shape with increased surface area creates added turbulence relative to similar sized, smooth cylindrical bars to provide thorough mixing
- Absence of a pivot ring allow the Spinbar to stay close to the bottom of the vessel enabling “scraping” of solids
- Optimal coupling with magnetic spindrive as entire length of stir bar is in close contact
- Alnico magnet encapsulated in FDA Grade, USP Class VI PTFE coating; superior chemical compatibility
- Manufactured in a registered ISO 9001:2015 facility, as verified by SGS certification
- Autoclave safe
Bel-Art is a registered trademark of SP Scienceware, a division of SP
Spinbar is a registered trademark of SP Scienceware, a division of SP