  • Truncation of mutant huntingtin in knock-in mice demonstrates exon1 huntingtin is a key pathogenic form.

Truncation of mutant huntingtin in knock-in mice demonstrates exon1 huntingtin is a key pathogenic form.

Nature communications (2020-05-24)
Huiming Yang, Su Yang, Liang Jing, Luoxiu Huang, Luxiao Chen, Xianxian Zhao, Weili Yang, Yongcheng Pan, Peng Yin, Zhaohui S Qin, Beisha Tang, Shihua Li, Xiao-Jiang Li

Polyglutamine expansion in proteins can cause selective neurodegeneration, although the mechanisms are not fully understood. In Huntington's disease (HD), proteolytic processing generates toxic N-terminal huntingtin (HTT) fragments that preferentially kill striatal neurons. Here, using CRISPR/Cas9 to truncate full-length mutant HTT in HD140Q knock-in (KI) mice, we show that exon 1 HTT is stably present in the brain, regardless of truncation sites in full-length HTT. This N-terminal HTT leads to similar HD-like phenotypes and age-dependent HTT accumulation in the striatum in different KI mice. We find that exon 1 HTT is constantly generated but its selective accumulation in the striatum is associated with the age-dependent expression of striatum-enriched HspBP1, a chaperone inhibitory protein. Our findings suggest that tissue-specific chaperone function contributes to the selective neuropathology in HD, and highlight the therapeutic potential in blocking generation of exon 1 HTT.


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