This Standard Electrochemical Cell (with 100 mL glass cell) is designed for use with all BASi standard reference electrodes, standard working electrodes, and auxiliary electrodes. The glass cell comfortably holds a volume of around 100 mL and will allow you to test 25-75 mL of solution. It also comes with PTFE tubing for purging or blanketing your solution.
This kit contains:
- PTFE-coated stir bar
- RE-5B Ag/AgCl (3M NaCl) reference electrode
- Coiled Pt wire auxiliary electrode
- 100mL glass cell
- BE PTFE cell top
- Auxiliary electrode chamber
- Auxiliary electrode bushing
- Glassy carbon working electrode – 3 mm diameter
- PTFE tubing 1/16" OD
- O-ring for BE cell aux chamber
Additional Studies on the Electrochemical Behaviour of Three Macrolides on Pt and Carbon Based Electrodes.
Veseli A, et al.
Electroanalysis, 33(10), 2196-2203 (2021)