
QuEChERS是一种分散固相萃取(dSPE)样品制备技术。QuEChERS是“快速、简便、经济、高效、耐用且安全”(Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe)的简称。此方法最初针对水果和蔬菜农残分析样品制备而开发,现可用于分析其他类型化学物质,包括PAH(多环芳烃)、PCB(多氯联苯)、PBDE(多溴联苯醚)和阻燃剂。这一概念于2002年推出,现已成为分析化学家协会(AOAC 2007.01)和欧洲标准化委员会(EN 15662:2008)官方方法指定内容。
- Supel™ QuE Verde combines a novel carbon with zirconia coated silica (Z-Sep+) to provide an optimum balance between planar pesticide recovery and color removal.
- Compared to conventional PSA/C18/GCB cleanup, cannabis extracts cleaned with the Supel QuE Verde mixture showed lower GC/MS background, and better recoveries for many pesticides.
- The odor and pungency of ginger is due to the presence of terpenes, gingerols and shogaols. These compounds contribute to the highly complex matrix of ginger, which subsequently presents a challenge in low level analyses of contaminants. A novel 2-layer SPE cartridge efficiently reduces background for pesticide determination.
- QuEChERs is a solid phase extraction (SPE) technique for sample preparation. Supelco's innovative Z-Sep and Z-Sep+ sorbents demonstrated here extract more fat and pigment than traditional PSA/C18 phases while showing greater analyte recovery and greater reproducibility.
- A procedure for cleanup of green tea extracts provides low background and allowed for the analysis of more pesticides at lower levels than QuEChERS. Uses less solvents and no toluene.
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- Potency testing in marijuana-infused edibles is an important problem that analytical labs are facing due to the complexity of the involved matrices. Concentration of active ingredients in these edibles can range from a few parts per million to 3.5 parts per thousand. This application demonstrates the extraction and HPLC-UV analysis of the active compounds.
- A short abstract on a method using QuEChERS and GC/MS/MS for determination of fipronil & fipronil sulfone.
- QuEChERS method for pesticide residue analysis requires only small quantities of solvent and is capable of generating recoveries of 70-120% with RSDs <5% for a wide range of compounds.
- Extraction and Analysis of Agricultural Pesticides from Oranges Using the “QuEChERS” Method
- LC/MS/MS Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Pistachios on the Ascentis® Express RP-Amide Column after QuEChERS Extraction
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