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PLP1 gene analysis in 88 patients with leukodystrophy.

Clinical genetics (2013-01-26)
P Martínez-Montero, M Muñoz-Calero, E Vallespín, J Campistol, L Martorell, M J Ruiz-Falcó, A Santana, R Pons, A Dinopoulos, C Sierra, J Nevado, J Molano

Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD) is caused in most cases by either duplications or point mutations in the PLP1 gene. This disease, a dysmyelinating disorder affecting mainly the central nervous system, has a wide clinical spectrum and its causing mutations act through different molecular mechanisms. Eighty-eight male patients with leukodystrophy were studied. PLP1 gene analysis was performed by the Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification technique and DNA sequencing, and, in duplicated cases of PLP1, gene dosage was completed by using array-CGH. We have identified 21 patients with mutations in the PLP1 gene, including duplications, short and large deletions and several point mutations in our cohort. A customized array-CGH at the Xq22.2 area identified several complex rearrangements within the PLP1 gene region. Mutations found in the PLP1 gene are the cause of PMD in around 20% of the patients in this series.