- [Ketoacidosis in a 14 month old child caused by fasting].
[Ketoacidosis in a 14 month old child caused by fasting].
Der Anaesthesist (2000-01-13)
A Eichler, H Förster, K Heller, M Behne
Preoperative starvation in order to prevent pulmonary aspiration is mandatory in elective pediatric surgery. Hypoglycemia, thirst and unwellness have been reported as undesired side effects. The metabolic response towards decreasing blood-glucose concentrations in fasting children includes gluconeogenesis and production of ketone bodies to meet the energetic demand. Accumulation of beta-hydroxybutyrate und acetoacetate in blood can lead to ketoacidosis. We report a case of a severe intraoperative ketoacidosis in a fourteen months old child complicating 36 hours of starvation.