ALiCE™ Cell-Free Protein Expression System Limited Use Label License (LULL)
Customer receives a non-exclusive, non-transferable sublicense for use of the ALiCE™ Cell Free Protein Expression System (the “Product”), Modifications (meaning any modifications of the Product), and Unmodified Derivatives (meaning any substances created by the Customer which constitute an unmodified functional subunit of the Product) and Proteins (meaning any protein expressed using the Product) for RESEARCH USE ONLY, which, subject to the exclusions below, includes use to discover and develop any product, including therapeutic products, which may then be sold to third parties, provided, however, that such products do not incorporate the Product, Modifications, Unmodified Derivatives, or Proteins.
No “Commercial Use” is allowed. Commercial Use means any and all uses of the Product, Modifications, Unmodified Derivatives, or Proteins including any modifications of proteins created through use of the foregoing, by the customer for monetary or other consideration, including but not limited to:
- Sale or transfer, whether or not such sale or transfer is for use in research
- Provide a service to a third party
- Use in any diagnostic, preventative or therapeutic application
- Use in any veterinary, livestock or agricultural application
- Use in screening or profiling of more than 10,000 distinct compounds per calendar year (high-throughput screening)
- Manufacture a product for sale
Except for the sublicense granted herein, any and all rights to the Product, Modifications, or Unmodified Derivatives thereof, shall remain in LenioBio pursuant to an exclusive license from Dow AgroSciences LLC and Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME.
No ownership rights are transferred. Data generated by the Customer using the Product, Progeny, Modifications or Unmodified Derivatives thereof, are owned by the Customer, subject to the use restrictions above.
Customer shall have no right to transfer or grant sublicenses under this license. The Product, Modifications, Unmodified Derivatives, and Proteins licensed to the Customer must remain in the possession of the Customer at all times.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Product is comprised of the tobacco cell-free reaction mix and/or vectors.
The ALiCE™ Cell-Free Protein Expression System and its use is licensed from Dow AgroSciences LLC and Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME for research purposes only. Patents Pending.
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