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Comparison of QuEChERS Products for the Extraction of Planar Pesticides from Spinach
Supel™ QuE Verde combines a novel carbon with zirconia coated silica (Z-Sep+) to provide an optimum balance between planar pesticide recovery and color removal.
QuEChERS Method for Pesticide Residue Analysis
QuEChERS method for pesticide residue analysis requires only small quantities of solvent and is capable of generating recoveries of 70-120% with RSDs <5% for a wide range of compounds.
Improved Recoveries and Lower Background for GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS Analysis of Pesticides in Green Tea
A procedure for cleanup of green tea extracts provides low background and allowed for the analysis of more pesticides at lower levels than QuEChERS. Uses less solvents and no toluene.
QuEChERS Probenvorbereitungsmethode
QuEChERS ist eine schnelle, einfache, kostengünstige, effektive, robuste und sichere Probenaufreinigungsmethode, die zur Vorbereitung von Lebensmittel- und landwirtschaftlichen Proben für die Pestizidanalyse verwendet wird. QuEChERS basiert auf der Technik der Festphasenextraktion (SPE) zur Probenvorbereitung.
Kalibrierung, Qualifizierung und Validierung
Referenzmaterialien sind entscheidend in Bezug auf die Methodenvalidierung, Kalibrierung, Qualifizierung und Messunsicherheit. Die richtige Auswahl des für die Prüfanwendung am besten geeigneten Referenzmaterials ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, da die Ergebnisse nur so präzise sind wie die Referenz.
HPLC kleiner Moleküle
Kleine Moleküle sind neutrale und ionische Verbindungen mit einem Molekulargewicht, das üblicherweise unterhalb von 900 Dalton liegt. Diese Verbindungen können durch HPLC, UHPLC und LC-MS vornehmlich unter Verwendung von Kieselgelpartikeln oder monolithischen stationären Phasen mit einem breiten Spektrum von „Säulenchemien“
Neonicotinoids Pesticides and Metabolites presents an article concerning Neonicotinoids Pesticides and Metabolites.
SupraSolv® GC Solvent Specifications
Our GC solvents have been specially developed and tested for ECD, FID and MS detection or for headspace gas chromatography to ensure accurate, reliable and reproducible analytical results.
Viral RNA Purification Protocol Using GenElute™ Mammalian Total RNA Purification Kits
Instructions for purifying viral RNA using GenElute™ Mammalian Total RNA Purification Kits.
Wir bieten ein vollständiges Sortiment an Pestizid-Referenzmaterialstandards mit einer Vielzahl Qualitätsstufen, wie z.B. analytische Standardqualität (PESTANAL®), Referenzmaterial oder zertifiziertes Referenzmaterial (TraceCERT®) für Lebensmittel-, Umweltanalysen.
Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Cannabis/Hemp
Stringent quality testing for cannabis products includes analysis for residual pesticides and mycotoxins using LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS.
Pesticide Standards
We offer a complete range of pesticide reference material standards with a variety of quality grades such as analytical standard grade (PESTANAL®), reference material or certified reference material (TraceCERT®) grade for food, environmental analyses.
GC Analysis of Agricultural Pesticides (Standard) on SLB®-5ms
GC Analysis of Agricultural Pesticides (Standard) on SLB®-5ms
Comparison of QuEChERS Products for the Extraction of Planar Pesticides from Spinach
Supel™ QuE Verde combines a novel carbon with zirconia coated silica (Z-Sep+) to provide an optimum balance between planar pesticide recovery and color removal.
Extraction and Analysis of Agricultural Pesticides from Oranges Using the “QuEChERS” Method
Extraction and Analysis of Agricultural Pesticides from Oranges Using the “QuEChERS” Method
Extraction of Permethrin Pesticides from Spinach Using QuEChERS Methodology with Automated Shaking
Extraction of Permethrin Pesticides from Spinach Using QuEChERS Methodology with Automated Shaking
Dual-Column GC Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides on SLB-5ms and SLB-35ms
The primary column is used to determine presence of the target analytes in the sample; the secondary column of a different selectivity confirms whether a positive match.
HPLC Analysis of Urea, Carbamate, Triazine, Aniline Pesticides on Discovery® C18
HPLC Analysis of Urea, Carbamate, Triazine, Aniline Pesticides on Discovery® C18
Pesticide Classes and Exposure Hazards
Pesticide classes and health hazards from exposure to commercially available pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.
Reduce Matrix Background and Improve Overall Analyte Recovery for the Analysis of Pesticides in Beef Kidney
Supel QuE Z-Sep+ was successfully demonstrated for cleanup of beef kidney matrix, providing reduced background and less interference in the GC-MS analysis of the target pesticides
US EPA Method 8081: GC Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides on Equity®-5
US EPA Method 8081: GC Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides on Equity®-5
Analysis of Pesticides in Baby Food by Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) Using a New Overcoated Fiber
A direct immersion SPME method using a new overcoated SPME fiber was developed for the extraction of pesticides from pureed prune baby food.
QuEChERS Method for Pesticide Residue Analysis
QuEChERS method for pesticide residue analysis requires only small quantities of solvent and is capable of generating recoveries of 70-120% with RSDs <5% for a wide range of compounds.
Extraction and Analysis of Neonicotinoid Pesticides from Flower Blossoms Using Supel™ QuE and Ascentis® Express
Extraction and Analysis of Neonicotinoid Pesticides from Flower Blossoms Using Supel™ QuE and Ascentis® Express
Improved Recoveries and Lower Background for GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS Analysis of Pesticides in Green Tea
A procedure for cleanup of green tea extracts provides low background and allowed for the analysis of more pesticides at lower levels than QuEChERS. Uses less solvents and no toluene.
US EPA Method 8141: GC Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides (OP-Pest) on Equity®-5, NPD Detection
analytical standard; Tokuthion, technical grade, pkg of 50 mg; Crotoxyphos; Phorate; Azinphos-ethyl; Diazinon; Azinphos-methyl; Demeton-O; Dimethoate; Chlorpyrifos-methyl
Analysis of Pesticides in Turmeric Powder by LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS after Cleanup with Dual-Layer SPE Cartridge
Pesticide residue testing of turmeric and other (dried) spices is challenging due to their complex compositions and high matrix. An efficient SPE clean-up can be achieved by a new Dual-layer cartridge.
Foodborne Pesticide Analysis: Going Beyond the Dirty Dozen
Get a better understanding of the various global regulations around pesticide analysis in food science and the right product for each method. Discover pesticide residue tests and applications from Fipronil for eggs to pesticides in cannabis.
Chiral Separation of the Pesticide Diniconazole by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC)
Diniconazole is a pesticide commonly used as a fungicide to prevent various plant diseases. It is a chiral compound that exists as a pair of enantiomers. This article describes the use of ChromegaChiral™ columns in resolving the two diniconazole enantiomers
New Preparation Approach for Improved Pesticide Analysis of Challenging Samples
This webinar will introduce new sample preparation approaches leading to improved clean-up and recovery of pesticides in these challenging matrices.
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