- Alterations in rat alveolar surfactant system induced by treatment with carbicron (O-[(2-butenoic acid)-N,N-dimethylamide-3-yl]-O,O-dimethylphosphate).
Alterations in rat alveolar surfactant system induced by treatment with carbicron (O-[(2-butenoic acid)-N,N-dimethylamide-3-yl]-O,O-dimethylphosphate).
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology and toxicology (1992-11-01)
E Yanev, T Markovska, A Momchilova, R Pankov, T Sedloev, K Koumanov
1. Intoxication of rats with carbicron (O-([2-butenoic acid)-N,N-dimethylamide-3-yl]-O,O-dimethylphosphate) induced a reduction of the total phospholipids and phosphatidylcholine in lung alveolar surfactant. 2. The lipid transfer protein activity was inhibited due to carbicron treatment. 3. No alterations were observed in phospholipase A2 activity in the alveolar surfactant of intoxicated animals. The structural order parameter (SDPH) of bilayer liposomes, prepared from surfactant phospholipids of carbicron-treated rats also remained unchanged.