- Oxidative stress-induced S100B accumulation converts myoblasts into brown adipocytes via an NF-κB/YY1/miR-133 axis and NF-κB/YY1/BMP-7 axis.
Oxidative stress-induced S100B accumulation converts myoblasts into brown adipocytes via an NF-κB/YY1/miR-133 axis and NF-κB/YY1/BMP-7 axis.
Cell death and differentiation (2017-09-09)
Giulio Morozzi, Sara Beccafico, Roberta Bianchi, Francesca Riuzzi, Ilaria Bellezza, Ileana Giambanco, Cataldo Arcuri, Alba Minelli, Rosario Donato
Muscles of sarcopenic people show hypotrophic myofibers and infiltration with adipose and, at later stages, fibrotic tissue. The origin of infiltrating adipocytes resides in fibro-adipogenic precursors and nonmyogenic mesenchymal progenitor cells, and in satellite cells, the adult stem cells of skeletal muscles. Myoblasts and brown adipocytes share a common Myf5