- [New aspects of the pleiotropic action of the genes coding Saccharomyces cerevisiae exopolyphosphatases].
[New aspects of the pleiotropic action of the genes coding Saccharomyces cerevisiae exopolyphosphatases].
Inactivation of the key genes, which are responsible for the enzymes of polyphosphates degradation, exopolyphosphatases ppx1 and ppn1, caused both an increase of polyphosphates content in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells and an increase in chain length of acid-soluble and alkali-soluble fractions. It had no effect on the frequency of volutine granules metachromasy that was based on the interaction of dye molecules with ionic groups of polyphosphates. At the same time, a mutant strain reaction to nystatin differed from the reaction of the parental and wild-type strains when the metachromasy was absent. Obtained data may indicate a pleiotropic effect of ppx1 and ppn1 genes, which encode the major exopolyphosphatase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and affect the reaction of cells to external factors through changes in the metabolism of polyphosphates.