HomeGel ElectrophoresisTroubleshooting 2-D DIGE Results

Troubleshooting 2-D DIGE Results

Appendix I, Extracted from 2-D Electrophoresis, GE Healthcare, 2010

Table 44 lists problems that may be encountered in 2-D electrophoresis results, describes the possible causes, and suggests ways to prevent problems in future experiments.

For troubleshooting problems encountered during the various steps of the 2-D process, refer to the following:

  • Table 20, page 70. Troubleshooting first-dimension IEF: Ettan™ IPGphor 3 Isoelectric Focusing System.
  • Table 21, page 71. Troubleshooting first-dimension IEF: Employing the Manifold.
  • Table 34, page 90. Troubleshooting vertical second-dimension SDS-PAGE.
  • Table 36, page 95. Troubleshooting Immobiline® DryStrip gel rehydration in Reswelling Tray.
  • Table 38, page 103. Troubleshooting first-dimension IEF: Multiphor™ II Electrophoresis System and Immobiline® DryStrip Kit.
  • Table 40, page 107. Troubleshooting second-dimension SDS: MultiPhor™ II Electrophoresis System.

For troubleshooting 2-D DIGE results, please refer to the Ettan™ DIGE user manual.

Table 44. Troubleshooting 2-D results.

