HomeProtein & Nucleic Acid InteractionsProtocol for Anti Ago-RNA Immunoprecipitation from Mammalian Cells Using the RIP Kit
Protocol for Anti Ago-RNA Immunoprecipitation from Mammalian Cells Using the RIP Kit
Reagents |
Reagents for Harsh/Stringent Wash Solution |
Prep Cells
- Grow cells to ~80% confluency. You will need ~2 million cells/RIP, or ~4 million cells for IgG (neg control) & Ago2 RIP
- Rinse cells with HBSS (volume = culture medium)
- If cells attached, release in trypsin-EDTA ~5 min and quench with 4-5 volumes serum-containing medium
- Count cells, aliquot 2 million cells/ tube, and pellet at 4 oC, 1000 rpm, 5 min. Discard supernatant.
- Wash 2x with ice cold PBS (volume = medium removed).
- Discard supernatant & add 200 µL mild or harsh lysis buffer + Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (PIC) (P8340) + Ribonuclease Inhibitor (RNase inhibitor)(R1158)/cell pellet
- Incubate on ice 15' (or store o/n at -80 oC)
- Pellet debris at 4 oC, 16,000g, 10 min
- Transfer sup to fresh tube
- Remove 10 µL from each cell lysate for 5% input and store on ice
Prep Beads
- Add 40 µL Protein A Magnetic Beads to 200µL wash buffer in 1.5mL tube for 2 RIPs (IgG & Ago2)
- Place tubes on magnetic stand & remove liquid
- Wash 1x 200 µL wash buffer
- Resuspend in 200 µL wash buffer
- Add 5 µg rabbit Anti-Rat IgG (whole molecule) antibody produced in rabbit (R9255)
- Incubate at RT with rotation for 30 min.
- Spin briefly & remove liquid on magnetic stand
- Wash 2x with 1 mL wash buffer.
- Resuspend in 200 µL wash buffer & split into 2 x 100 µL
- Add 2.5 µg rat IgG (I4131) or Monoclonal Anti-AGO2 antibody produced in rat, clone 11A9 (SAB4200085).
- Incubate at RT with rotation for 30 min.
- Spin briefly & remove liquid on magnetic stand.
- Wash 2 times with 0.5 mL wash buffer.
- Remove wash buffer completely on magnetic stand.
Doing RIP
- Prep IP Buffer:
- Resuspend bead pellets in 0.2 mL IP Buffer
- Verify 5% input reserved from each cell lysate and stored on ice
- Add 0.1 mL IP Buffer/cells in mild lysis or 0.6 mL/cells in harsh lysis
- Transfer diluted lysate to resuspended beads
- Incubate at 4 oC with rotation O/N
1a. For mild washing, wash 5x by adding 1mL wash buffer, vortex, spin briefly, collect beads on magnet, & remove
1b. For harsh or stringent washing, wash 1x 1ml wash buffer, 2x 1mL stringent wash buffer, and 2x 1mL standard wash buffer
Stringent Wash Buffer |
- After last wash, resuspend in 0.2 mL wash buffer
- Bring reserved input samples to 0.2 mL with wash buffer
Purify RNA
- Add 0.5 mL Tri Reagent (T9424) to each 0.2 mL RIP or inpu
- Add 0.1 mL chloroform (C2432) to each, vortex thoroughly, and spin at 4 oC, 16,000g, 10 min
- Prepare 1.5 mL tubes containing
6 µL linear acrylamide (Ambion; 5mg/mL)
60 µL 5M ammonium acetate (09691)
600 µL 2-propanol (I9516) - Transfer aqueous to tubes from above, vortex, & precipitate at -80 oC at least 1 hour
- Thaw tubes from -80 oC on ice
- Spin at 4 oC, 16,000g, 10 min.
- Carefully pour off supernatant
- Wash once with 0.5 mL 70% ethanol
- Spin at 4 oC, 16,000g, 10 min.
- Carefully pour off sup and dry pellets in a laminar flow hood
- Rehydrate each in 10 µL RNase-free water
Reagents |
Additional Reagents |
Reagents for Making Harsh/Stringent Wash Solution |