  • Hygroscopic growth of self-assembled layered surfactant molecules at the interface between air and organic salts.

Hygroscopic growth of self-assembled layered surfactant molecules at the interface between air and organic salts.

Journal of colloid and interface science (2005-03-09)
Yongsoon Shin, Li-Qiong Wang, Glen E Fryxell, Greg J Exarhos

We report here the self-assembly of surfactant molecules at the interface of air and the hygroscopic quaternary ammonium salt tetrabutylammonium acetate (TBAAc). Homogeneously dissolved surfactant molecules at 100 degrees C self-assemble upon contacting air due to high moisture adsorption by the organic salt when cooling down. Highly ordered lamellar phases with different lattice spacings have been observed when surfactants with various lengths of alkyl chains were used. C(n)TMAB/TBAAc systems showed all-trans conformation of interior methylene carbons and interdigited bilayers with an average CH2 increment of 0.119 nm, while C(n)NH2/TBAAc systems showed trans/gauche mixed conformations of interior methylene carbons and bilayers with an average CH2 increment of 0.247 nm. C(n)NH2s in C(n)NH2/TBAAc formed bilayers through water-mediated intermolecular hydrogen bonds with a water layer thickness of 0.51-0.61 nm. In C(n)TAB/TBAAc, as the head group of C(n)TAB is bigger, the interdigited bilayer thickness (d-spacing) is smaller, because the bigger head groups accommodate enough space for alkyl tails to come in between them.


N-十二烷基甲胺, 97%