- Pseudouridines on Trypanosoma brucei spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs and their implication for RNA and protein interactions.
Pseudouridines on Trypanosoma brucei spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs and their implication for RNA and protein interactions.
The parasite Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of sleeping sickness, cycles between an insect and a mammalian host. Here, we investigated the presence of pseudouridines (ĪØs) on the spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), which may enable growth at the very different temperatures characterizing the two hosts. To this end, we performed the first high-throughput mapping of spliceosomal snRNA ĪØs by small RNA ĪØ-seq. The analysis revealed 42 ĪØs on T. brucei snRNAs, which is the highest number reported so far. We show that a trypanosome protein analogous to human protein WDR79, is essential for guiding ĪØ on snRNAs but not on rRNAs. snoRNA species implicated in snRNA pseudouridylation were identified by a genome-wide approach based on ligation of RNAs following in vivo UV cross-linking. snRNA ĪØs are guided by single hairpin snoRNAs, also implicated in rRNA modification. Depletion of such guiding snoRNA by RNAi compromised the guided modification on snRNA and reduced parasite growth at elevated temperatures. We further demonstrate that ĪØ strengthens U4/U6 RNA-RNA and U2B"/U2A' proteins-U2 snRNA interaction at elevated temperatures. The existence of single hairpin RNAs that modify both the spliceosome and ribosome RNAs is unique for these parasites, and may be related to their ability to cycle between their two hosts that differ in temperature.