- Microchip-based synthesis and analysis: control of multicomponent reaction products and intermediates.
Microchip-based synthesis and analysis: control of multicomponent reaction products and intermediates.
The Analyst (2001-02-24)
M C Mitchell, V Spikmans, A J de Mello
A miniaturised-SYNthesis and Total Analysis System (mu SYNTAS) was used for the solution-phase synthesis and on-line analysis (TOF-MS) of Ugi multicomponent reaction (MCR) products. This approach provides an unusually high degree of control of the MCR and delivers detailed, novel information on reaction intermediates in real-time. Specifically, the Ugi 4 component condensation (4CC) involving the reaction of an amine, acid, aldehyde and isocyanide species was performed at room temperature in a controllable fashion. Furthermore, observation of the nitrilium intermediate, cyclohexyl(2-piperidin-1-ylethylidyne)ammonium chloride, is presented for the first time.