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Pathogen Screening Kits, Instruments & Disposables

Pathogen testing is a key component and critical success factor in effective food safety and process control programs. In sensitive industries involving food and beverage production, screening for pathogens is an important part of ensuring consumer safety. Advancements in technology offer several approaches to rapidly detecting pathogens in any given sample. Benefit from our wide range of pathogen testing products that suit your needs. 

Our key pathogen screening platforms include:

  • PCR
  • Lateral Flow


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Differentiation of pathogens by their unique DNA or RNA signature using the diagnostic methods involving DNA amplification, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), helps to overcome the issues like false-positive results, culturing microorganisms, etc. PCR techniques offer sensitive, rapid, and accurate detection of microbes.

The Assurance® GDS system is a proven molecular PCR screening method comprising three simple steps: sample enrichment, sample preparation utilizing PickPen™ Immunomagnetic Separation (IMS), and PCR analysis with the Assurance® GDS Rotor-Gene® Q.  Designed for optimum flexibility, various portions of the Assurance® GDS sample preparation can now be automated with Assurance® GDS PipetMax, allowing plant laboratories to customize their testing to better fit their changing needs. Results are available same day or next day, instead of following a multi-day full cultural confirmation, saving precious time for perishable products. The system has been validated by a variety of third parties including AOAC, AFNOR, MicroVal, and Health Canada.

Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA Method) for Pathogen Detection

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is one of the most commonly used immunological methods for the detection of foodborne pathogens. It provides for highly efficient assays that maximizes laboratory throughput and minimizes turnaround time.

Our TRANSIA® AG (Enzyme ImmunoAssay) and TRANSIA® PLATE incorporate proven antibody-antigen "sandwich" assay technology for the detection of foodborne pathogens in both product and environmental samples. We offer an accurate and reliable system with high throughput efficiency. The extensive AOAC and ISO validations and built-in positive and negative controls combine to provide users with the necessary confidence in the results. The efficient 96-well format and available automation make TRANSIA® AG / TRANSIA® PLATE an ideal solution for high volume testing.

Gemini® is our fully automated microplate processor that is compatible with all Enzyme immunoassays and is pre-programmed for our TRANSIA® PLATE assays. It offers increased capacity over other systems for high throughput testing.

Lateral Flow Tests

Lateral flow tests are immunoassays for detecting food pathogens with the ultimate convenience. Covering the major pathogens, the tests act as mini-laboratory and include a built-in control reaction for optimized pathogen testing. Definitive results are delivered in as little as 20 minutes.

Our VIP® Gold (Visual Immuno Precipitate) single-step visual lateral flow immunoassay tests are designed to be used with our enrichment media, like mEHEC for food and environmental pathogen detection.

Explore our Singlepath® single-step visual lateral flow immunoassay tests that can be used in combination with our ISO regulated GranuCult® media to ensure optimal test performance in the detection of Salmonella, E. coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter.

We also offer 1-2 Test® for Salmonella, which is the first widely accepted, antibody-based, single-use test for the detection of Salmonella in food and environmental samples. It combines proprietary science with practical application, resulting in proven performance and ease of use, providing accurate, reliable, and validated results.

On-Demand Enrichment Media

Culture media for the enrichment step in the pathogen detection process can now be accessed on-demand, at the push of a button. The new ReadyStream® system prepares and dispenses up to 100 liters of pre-heated media when and where needed. In an initial 20-minute step for each media bag, the contained gamma-irradiated dehydrated culture media is rehydrated by adding sterile filtered water. This creates 10x concentrated media stock, of which any amount can be further diluted on-the-spot to provide the 10-fold volume for immediate dispensation.”

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