- Use detergents more effectively in cell lysis, membrane protein and lipid solubilization, protein crystallization, or Western blotting.
- This page lists nine frequently asked questions and answers about Benzonase® Nuclease.
- This page describes protein precipitation as an optional step in sample preparation for 2-D electrophoresis with Cytiva products.
- Enzymes provide a non-mechanical method for cell lysis and protoplast preparation. It may seem like a simple process to throw in your enzyme, stick your tube in the water-bath and walk away, but what is actually going on in that process?
- This article shows the use of BugBuster® and Benzonase® as protein purification tools to extract recombinant proteins from E. coli and to reduce the viscosity of the extract.
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- Protocol for sample preparation for cell lysis and efficient protein extraction from cultured tissues and cells for subsequent Western blotting.
- TRI Reagent is a single-step RNA isolation reagent that allows simultaneous isolation of DNA, RNA and protein. This protocol outlines sample prep as well as extraction of the various samples and troubleshooting.
- This page how to isolate proteins from inclusion bodies using GE Healthcare products.
- Detergents can interfere with the labeling efficiency of the extracted proteins. Therefore, a procedure that does not include the use of detergents should be used for the preparation of nuclear proteins.
- Liberase™ TM Research Grade Protocol & Troubleshooting
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- 表面活性剂溶解法:基于去污剂的裂解:去污剂裂解是一种比较温和的方法,适用于哺乳动物细胞、细菌细胞、酵母和植物。细胞悬浮液轻轻离心后重悬于含有去污剂的裂解液中,去污剂可用于破坏细胞膜。溶解细胞膜,裂解细胞并释放其内容物。若去污剂会干扰分析或生产,需在下游处理时除去去污剂。
- 冻融裂解法:本方法适用于哺乳动物或细菌细胞悬浮液。用液氮快速冷冻细胞悬浮液。然后将样品解冻,用移液管或在裂解缓冲液中温和涡旋将其重悬,重复此过程数次。在循环之间,将样品离心,保留含有可溶蛋白的上清液。
- 渗透压休克法:这是一种非常温和的方法,可以在不使用表面活性剂的情况下裂解悬浮的哺乳动物或细菌细胞。本方法通常与机械破碎技术结合,依赖于从高渗透性介质到低渗透性介质的变化,非常适合于后续将裂解物分馏成亚细胞组分的应用。
- 超声破碎法:这种蛋白质提取方法最常用于细胞悬浮液。通过插入样品中的探针,细胞被高频声波破坏。声波产生低压区域,导致细胞膜破裂。
- 机械破碎技术:可以使用各种粗略但有效的“破碎和研磨”措施从细胞和组织中提取蛋白。例如,可以使用Dounce或Potter-Elvehjem匀浆法运用液体剪切力破坏细胞膜。使用Waring搅拌器或Polytron®匀浆器在冷却的缓冲液中切碎或碾碎组织,将组织均质化。在液氮中冷冻组织或细胞,加入氧化铝或沙子用研钵和研杵一起研磨成细粉。快速搅动细胞和小玻璃珠会破坏细胞壁,对大多数革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌均有效。
- 酶解法:酶解法从夹杂在纤维组织中的细菌,酵母或真核细胞中提取蛋白质时,经常使用酶促方法,在这些组织中,细胞膜被坚固的保护结构所包围。溶菌酶(Lysozyme)、变溶菌素(Mutanolysin)、MetaPolyzyme六酶混合物、Lysonase和链霉蛋白酶(Pronase)等细胞裂解酶或混合液可联合组织消化酶(即胶原酶、软骨素酶、透明质酸酶),用于溶解或破坏单独的机械方法无法轻易裂解的细胞壁、外壳、荚膜、衣壳等结构。酶解之后,通常在裂解缓冲液中进行均质化、超声处理或剧烈涡旋处理。