
- Regardless of next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform, universal and index adapter sequences are required for the proper assembly of sample fragments.
- MISSION siRNA Universal Negative Controls are an essential component to any siRNA experiment. Using a Negative siRNA control allows the researcher to create a baseline for mRNA knockdown efficiency. MISSION siRNA Universal Negative Controls have been tested in human, rat, and mouse cells. All have been carefully designed to have no homology to known gene sequences.
- MISSION Positive Control siRNA, designed using the Rosetta siRNA Design Algorithm, serve as ideal complement to any siRNA silencing experiment. All MISSION Positive Control siRNA have been validated to work, so that you can spend more time silencing your gene of interest and less time on optimizing internal controls.
- Onxy Quencher emits heat instead of light and offers and improved signal-to-noise ratio over fluorescent quenchers.
- Next-generation sequencing (NGS) revolutionized genomic research, and is now playing a crucial role in the clinical environment.
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- The SeqPlex DNA Amplification Kit for whole genome amplification (WGA) is designed to facilitate next-generation sequencing (NGS) from extremely small quantities or from degraded/highly fragmented DNA
- Annealing is the process of heating and cooling two single-stranded oligonucleotides with complementary sequences.
- The SeqPlex RNA Amplification kit provides a method for amplification of total RNA or isolated mRNA prior to entry into the workflows of the commonly used deep sequencing platforms.
- GenomePlex® is a Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) method that allows the researcher to generate a representative amplification of genomic DNA
- WTA2, a Whole Transcriptome Amplification (WTA) method, allows for representative amplification of nanogram quantities of total RNA in less than 4 hours without 3-bias
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