
靶蛋白降解(TPD)是一种新颖的药物研发策略,利用小分子“劫持”细胞的降解过程,从细胞中降解问题蛋白。其中一个过程是泛素-蛋白酶体途径,这是一种细胞内质量控制机制,利用E3泛素连接酶和相关部位寻找受损或折叠错误的蛋白,由蛋白酶体或“细胞垃圾桶”降解。蛋白水解靶向嵌合体(PROTAC® 降解剂)是异性双官能团分子,靶向疾病弹头和E3连接酶配体通过连接体连接。
- Protein Degrader Building Blocks are a collection of crosslinker-E3 ligand conjugates with a pendant functional group for covalent linkage to a target ligand.
- Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is an emerging strategy that uses small molecules to hijack endogenous proteolysis systems to degrade disease-relevant proteins and thus reduce their abundance in cells.
- This product is a plate of 80 ligands against the E3 ligase IAP The ligands were designed by ComInnex using a computational approach. Linkers can be added to these ligands allowing attachment to target ligands to create bifunctional targeted protein degraders. The ligands can also be used to discover molecular glues that bring together the IAP E3 ligase and a target.
- Partial PROTACs are a collection of crosslinker-E3 ligand conjugates with a pendant functional group for covalent linkage to a target ligand.
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由于蛋白降解剂同时与靶蛋白质和E3连接酶相互作用,设计它们并不容易。通常采用模块化方法生成PROTAC® 库,筛选靶蛋白降解剂。为此,需要综合考虑E3配体、靶弹头和连接体的排列组合策略,连接体的性质和退出载体也日益受到关注。分析靶点特异性降解剂库中的每个降解剂,了解其对细胞中靶点的降解作用,为进一步优化和表征提供线索。
PROTAC® 是Arvinas Operations公司的注册商标,在此使用已征得许可。