ICP & AAS standards

Any measurement is only as good as the reference standard used to calibrate the system. When the accuracy of your measurement matters, it is important to start every analysis with a fresh vial of the highest quality, certified reference or calibration standards. Our TraceCERT® and Certipur® ICP and AAS single- and multi-element certified reference material standard solutions are produced from the highest purity starting material, fulfilling both ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 17034 guidelines.
Our AAS and ICP reference materials are ready-to-use solutions, certified and traceable to primary standard reference material from NIST. Our comprehensive documentation includes proper uncertainty calculations on the certificate of analysis issued according to ISO Guide 31 guidelines.
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AAS and ICP Single Element CRM Solutions
We offer a large range of single element certified reference standard solutions in various concentrations for AAS, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS applications. On the certificate of analysis for TraceCERT® products, we provide the NIST-traceable density, information about the certification process, traceability measurements, storage behavior, the uncertainty evaluation, and measured trace impurities.
ICP Multi-element CRM Solutions
Our TraceCERT® and Certipur® CRM multi-element solutions include tuning solutions, periodic table mixes, toxic element mixes, ICP-MS and wavelength calibration mixes, and a graphite furnace AAS mix. We also offer several element groups mixes including alkali and alkaline metals, rare earth metals, metalloid and non-metal elements, and post-transition and transition metals.
Titrisol® concentrated single-element solutions
We offer many AAS single-element standards as easy-to-use Titrisol® concentrates. Simply dilute the concentrate to produce the desired standard solution. Titrisol® concentrates are traceable to standard reference material from NIST and have a minimum expiration time of five years.
TraceCERT® CRM mixes according to ICH Q3D guidelines
We also offer different inorganic elemental impurity mixes as CRM standard mixes with element ratios corresponding to oral, parenteral, and inhalational concentrations per ICH Q3D guidelines.
TraceCERT® CRM mixes for cannabis testing
Trace heavy metal levels such as arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead may accumulate in cannabis plant material through soil and certain fertilizers. Our certified reference material heavy metal mixes are tailored to specific US state cannabis regulations and in concentrations matching regulatory requirements.
Custom standard solutions
In addition to our catalog, we also offer custom multi-component standards through our Inorganic Custom Standards Online Platform. All solutions mixes are produced under ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 17034 and come with a detailed certificate of analysis and certification report.
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