MicropreSure® On-line Filtration System for In-process Microbiology Testing
Validation engineers and quality control specialists regularly sample processed water in tanks and water loops to ensure low bacterial levels and to identify biocontamination problems early. Traditional multi-step sampling methods are often inconvenient and a potential problem for time-pressed personnel. The routine of setting up lab equipment and processing samples can be rushed, sometimes at the expense of proper aseptic procedures.
By reducing the sampling process to a few simple steps performed within a closed system, the MicropreSure® on-line filtration sampler improves microbiological testing of purified water at the point-of-use.
Our MicropreSure® filtration devices are available for the following applications:
- Beverages
- Bottled Water
- Pharmaceutical Water
Fast and easy preparation of in-process water samples using the MicropreSure® device
MicropreSure® sampler for use with solid (agar) media:

1.Sample directly through the MicropreSure® On-Line Filtration Sampler via the sanitary sampling valve.

2.Place the sampler on the MSOpener™ manifold (linked to a vacuum source) to filter the residual water and to remove the cover.

3.Using tweezers, transfer the membrane to a media plate and incubate.
MicropreSure® monitor for use with liquid media:

1.Sample directly through the MicropreSure® On-Line Filtration Sampler via the sanitary sampling valve.

2.Remove any remaining excess liquid with a syringe

3.Insert growth medium via the base or inlet of the MicropreSure® monitor

and remove any excess with a syringe, then incubate the device
Closed Design for Accurate Microbiological Sampling
The simple, protective design of the MicropreSure® sampler provides dependable microbiological sampling and reduces contamination risk in any environment. Organisms are captured on the membrane right at the collection site, providing a representative sample for accurate enumeration. The filtration chamber remains closed throughout all stages of sampling, so operator skill and environmental control are less critical.
Fast and Reliable In-Process Sample Collection
The MicropreSure® sampler and monitor saves steps and streamlines collection—providing an easy method to secure the samples you need for tracking and trending process water purity. It uses the pressure in tanks or pressurized lines to process and collect samples through a microporous membrane within an enclosed chamber.
And because the MicropreSure® devices are securely locked together, sampling pressurized water lines will not create water leaks.
Sampling and Filtration in One Step
MicropreSure® samplers and monitors are sterile and ready to use. With MicropreSure® on-line filtration samplers, you sample and process in one step, eliminating the need to sterilize sample containers or transport them back to the laboratory. After processing, microbes are contained and protected within the lightweight MicropreSure® devices that are easily carried.
Test Larger Volumes or for an Extended Period of Time
During validation, a 100 mL sample may not reveal low level microbial contaminants in a water sample. The MicropreSure® sampler and monitor allows for processing liters of water through its enclosed housing. In addition, the strong fit between the Luer fitting and the sanitary sampling valve means you can continuously sample over an extended period of time. Results can then reflect build-up contamination over a batch, a shift, or a day.
Convenient In-Process Microbiological Analysis
The MicropreSure® sampler and monitor are innovative and convenient tools that allow water samples to be aseptically processed, right at the collection site. The membrane, enclosed in its own housing, is protected until it is ready to be processed in the laboratory.
MicropreSure® On-Line Filtration Samplers and Monitors Improve Traditional Multiple-step Sampling Methods:
- No assembly
- No sterilization
- No sample containers to transport
- No risk of external contamination
Identifying the Sampling Port Outlet and Choosing the Valve Adapter
If the sampling port outlet is a male Luer port, use the MicropreSure® on-line filtration sampler without a valve outlet adapter. Otherwise, install a MicropreSure® sanitary sampling valve, or install a valve outlet adapter.
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