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[Analysis of sevoflurane stability during low flow anesthesia].

Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia (2011-06-22)
A Iu Elizarov, T D Ershov, A I Levshankov

Using the mass spectrometric method we studied the interaction of volatile anesthetic sevoflurane with a CO2 absorber during low flow anesthesia (0.5 l/min fresh gas mixture). The results of measurements of sevoflurane and one of the most toxic breakdown products of sevoflurane CF = C(CF3)-O-CH2F (substance A) throughout the anesthesia in the mode of inhalation-exhalation. The highest recorded concentration of substance A was 65 ppm. Biochemical analysis of blood before and after anesthesia did not show connection with nephropathy and function of liver toxicity.