Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) Enzymes
Peroxidase from horseradish, Enzyme Products, Peroxidase Substrates and Inhibitors

From Horseradish and Soybean
Synonyms: Hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase, HRP

Our horseradish peroxidase is specially selected and cultivated from horseradish roots, and our growers have continuously implemented a long-standing history of process improvements that ensure quality, consistency and optimized yield. For decades, we have manufactured peroxidase at our St. Louis ISO 9001:2000 production facility in multi-kilo batch sizes. While the supply of horseradish in other parts of the world has been an issue, the North American horseradish supply has grown stronger. Our St. Louis production facility overlooks an area of the Mississippi Valley known as the American Bottoms, which produces 60% of the world's horseradish.
The production facility has an experienced well-trained workforce that follows rigorous operating procedures for processing, equipment, cleaning, testing and packaging operations within robust quality and quality assurance systems.
Our peroxidase is recognized around the world as the industry standard for diagnostic manufacturing and laboratory scale research applications. We offer a variety of products based on purity, isoform content, and covalent modifications, to accommodate established applications as well as basic research needs.

Grinding extraction and initial filtration steps of HRP production
Horseradish Peroxidase Function and Activity
Specific activity is expressed in terms of pyrogallol units. One pyrogallol unit will form 1.0 mg purpurogallin from pyrogallol in 20 sec at pH 6.0 at 20° C, unless otherwise indicated in the listing. This purpurogallin (20 sec) unit is equivalent to approx. 18 µM units per min at 25° C.

ABTS units are another commonly used unit definition. One ABTS unit will oxidize 1 µmole of ABTS per minute at 25 °C at pH 5.0. Using ABTS as the substrate, approx. four times the activity is observed over the pyrogallol system.
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