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  • Abnormalities of foliation and neuronal position in the cerebellum of NZB/BINJ mouse.

Abnormalities of foliation and neuronal position in the cerebellum of NZB/BINJ mouse.

Brain research. Developmental brain research (1991-12-17)
M Sekiguchi, K Shimai, M Moriya, R S Nowakowski

To analyze developmental abnormalities related to neural migration in the NZB/BINJ mouse, the pattern of cerebellar foliation and neural position were compared with that of a normal mouse (C57BL/6J). Three abnormalities of cerebellar foliation--(1) lobe isolated from other cerebellar lobes, (2) lobes imbalanced in relative amounts or ratio of granular cell layer and molecular layer, (3) lobes in which some Purkinje cells and the molecular layer was embedded in the granular cell layer--were observed in NZB/BINJ mice. These morphological abnormalities were not limited to a specific lobe. On the other hand, abnormalities of neural position were observed in both granule and Purkinje cells. The pattern of ectopically-situated granule cells, in general, could be divided into 3 types: (1) large cell clusters extending from granular cell layer to the pia mater or middle part of the molecular layer, (2) clusters of various sizes scattered within the white matter and (3) clusters formed by combination of granule cells extending from two opposed granular cell layers to the molecular layer. The pattern of ectopically-situated Purkinje cells could be divided into 4 types: (1) ectopia of a group of cells from one part of the Purkinje cell layer, (2) ectopia of a single Purkinje cell observed in the molecular layer, (3) single Purkinje cell scattered within the white matter accompanied by clusters of ectopic granule cells and (4) ectopic Purkinje cells embedded in the granular cell layer. The abnormalities in position of both granule cells and Purkinje cells was not limited to a particular cerebellar lobe.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)