Protein Purification

Numerous protein purification methods are widely used in both biological and biomedical research. Recombinant protein expression and purification workflows depend on many variables. These variables include but are not limited to the physical properties and biological function of the protein, and whether a bacterial or eukaryotic cell line should be used to express the protein of interest. Significant advancements have been made in the area of recombinant protein expression and purification methodology along with a plethora of commercially available systems and kits. However, proteins are complex macromolecules, and optimal protein expression and purification strategies must be determined empirically.
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Our extensive portfolio of high-purity biological buffers in various formulation and packaging formats provide superior solution stability and pH control throughout your bioprocess workflow applications.
Biological detergents and surfactants, including REACH-compliant biodegradable alternatives, are available for cell lysis, DNA/RNA electrophoresis, Western blotting, transfection, and many other life science research applications.
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