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HomeGC/MS/MS Analysis of Bisphenol A (BPA) in a Fruit Flavored Energy Drink on the SLB-PAHms Column After SPME Using an Overcoated SPME Fiber

GC/MS/MS Analysis of Bisphenol A (BPA) in a Fruit Flavored Energy Drink on the SLB-PAHms Column After SPME Using an Overcoated SPME Fiber

GC/MS/MS Analysis of Bisphenol A (BPA) in a Fruit Flavored Energy Drink on the SLB-PAHms Column After SPME Using an Overcoated SPME Fiber

Figure 1. GC/MS/MS Analysis of Bisphenol A


Sample Prep Method

SPME fiberovercoated PDMS/DVB, 23 gauge
Extractionimmersion, 50 min, 50 °C, 250 rpm, vial penetration 34 mm
Desorption process3 min, 260°C
Other sample prep informationSample was incubated prior to extraction for 10 min at 50°C, 400 rpm mixing.
Fiber was washed post-extraction and prior to desorption in water for 0.5 min.
After desorption, fiber was post-baked at 270°C for 6 min.

Primary Analytical Method

InstrumentAgilent® 7890/7000C GC/MS/MS
ColumnSLB-PAHms, 30 m x 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm
Oven100 °C (3 min), 15 °C/min to 300 °C (10 min)
Inj. temp.260 °C
Carrier gashelium, 1 mL/min constant flow
MSD interface325 °C
Scan rangeMRM:
BPA: 213/119, 213/91, 119/91
BPA-d16: 224/215, 224/97, 125/97
Liner0.75 mm ID straight (for SPME)


Analysis NoteUse of bisphenol A (BPA)-based plastics in food and beverage containers continues to be a point of controversy. This study demonstrates the solid phase micro extraction (SPME) of BPA from a fruit flavored energy drink using an overcoated PDMS/DVB fiber (overcoated with PDMS), followed by GC/MS/MS analysis using SLB-PAHms GC Column. At a 10 ppb spiking level, accuracy of the SPME method was 115% with an RSD of 1% for spiked replicates.
Featured IndustryFood & Beverage
Legal InformationAgilent is a trademark of Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Thermogreen is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC
Redi-Dri is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC
SLB is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC
Application No.CLA010218A
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