- Synthetic analogues of netropsin and distamycin. IV. Synthesis of a new carbocyclic analogue of distamycin with alkylating side groups.
Synthetic analogues of netropsin and distamycin. IV. Synthesis of a new carbocyclic analogue of distamycin with alkylating side groups.
Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku (1995) (1997-01-01)
A Markowska, D Bartulewicz, A Pućkowska, A Rózański
A carbocyclic analogue of distamycin was obtained, in which the N-methylpyrrole rings were substituted by disubstituted benzene rings. Additionally, N-chloro- or N-bromoacetyl groups, displaying alkylating properties, were introduced. The synthesis, starting from 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl chloride, consisted of five stages.